Master The Monsters

multicolored abstract painting with brown frame

Understanding Life

On earth, there are 8.7 million living species, (National Geographic) varieties of plants, species of land animals, sea-life, insects, birds, excluding humans. Everything on earth is alive, including the earth itself. Our minds are alive with constant thoughts and ideas. Neurons (nerve cells) use both electrical charges and chemicals called ions to communicate with each other even when we are asleep.


By nature, we are caring and nurturing beings. Changes in the environment challenge us to grow and learn. These changes can be physiological, characterized by feelings of emotion, or psychological, characterized by mental thought. All living things on earth mature and later die. Living things originally produced on earth are born of seeds for continued growth and everlasting life. Everything you require is right here in your capable hands. How convenient is that?


Often, people have accustomed belief systems that do not work. Diane Ravitch is a historian of education and education policy analyst, and a research professor at New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development said:

“Sometimes the most brilliant and intellectual minds do not flourish on standardized test because they do not have standardized minds.”

One size doesn’t fit all, and for this reason, clarity comes extremely late. Time lost isn’t necessarily a bad thing, so long as you have a goal or something worth waiting for ourself. Without goals or something worthwhile, it’s simply time lost. Reason you must increase in knowledge (Proverbs 1:5).


The true currency in this world isn’t money, but trust. Without trust, what do we really have? There is honour even among thieves. Trust is a vital component and is the glue in all performing teams, marriages, businesses, and in life. Trust is earned through action because it’s a verb and in behaviours. A person’s character is more important than income, infamy, knowledge, or colour.

“We look for three things when we hire people. We look for intelligence, we look for initiative or energy, and we look for integrity. And if they don’t have the latter, the first two will kill you, because the last thing you need is a knowledgeable, energetic person you can’t trust.” ~ Warren Buffet

Increase Your Knowledge with These Amazing Titles.

Atomic Habits : An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones by James Clear
Millionaire Success Habits : The Gateway to Wealth and Prosperity by Dean Graziosi
On Purpose Leadership : Master the Art of Leading Yourself to Inspire and Impact Others by Dominick Quartuccio
Knowing Yourself : The True in the False by Barry Long

Mastering The Monsters

There are 2 significant villains human beings need to overcome. The first is pain, and the second is fear. If you can master your mind, thus you can master your life. All tangible and intangible materials come from the mind of mankind. It begins as a tiny spark or idea and it gets fashioned into a reality. An example would be a tree log being fashioned into a table or chair.


    1. PAIN, according to the International Association for the Study of Pain, defines pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with actual or potential tissue damage.” In medical diagnosis, they regard pain as a symptom of an underlying condition. Chronic pain influences a predicted 86 million American adults according to WebMD. However, when elevated helps us to function at peak performances.
    2. FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real and a double-edged sword. Fear can warn you of pending dangers, but it can also cripple you. “The reason things seem risky is that you don’t know what you are doing” ~ Warren Buffett. Here is where increasing in knowledge is helpful in taking on any task going forward.


Our will can alleviate both pain and fear and create it. Pain is treated through a variety of methods. The most appropriate method depends on the situation. How you choose to create, manage, or ease is completely in your capable hands (LIFEstyle Resource Magazine article: Reasons You’re Stuck Between a Rock… ). “A better definition of the Will, therefore, is ‘the Power Of Self-direction. The Will may be now [defined] as a power to choose what the man shall do.” Mastering your behaviours and willpower is where all happiness lies.

If you have a dream, believe you can achieve it, believe you deserve it and start believing you’re going to fulfil it. Make today the day you stop questioning yourself. Have the courage to pursue them.

“You probably can’t save or change anyone. However, if you can just learn to manage YOU, things get increasingly better. Just manage your area.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

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Perks: (1).The Willpower Instinct by Kelly Mcgonigal | (2).Habit You Must Acquire - Keystone Habits. | YouTube: @Better Than Yesterday | Subscribe to their channel & ours.

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