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The feeding frenzy

Have you noticed how we’re constantly feeding ourselves? When we’re not feeding ourselves, we’re selling ourselves. Our appetite is enormous when it involves our dietary needs. One might say we are eating machines. We consume entertainment and knowledge to produce ideas. We feed our desires. Because of all the information we devour, our imaginations run wild. We consume foods for physical nourishment or eating pleasure. For companionship, we converse with others about a wide range of topics. We consume so much on a daily basis. We are becoming a hedonistic society. Hedonism is the philosophical belief that pleasure and happiness are the highest forms of good and should be the primary goals of life.


If we aren’t selective in our thoughts and eating habits, we can consume the wrong things that are detrimental to our health or well-being. Everything we devour inevitably comes out in the end. Our food gets digested and comes out in the form of feces or urine. Our knowledge comes out in negative and positive ways, known as behaviour. What you ingest daily is very important. Certain types of knowledge can be unhealthy. Are you aware a person’s behaviour is an indication of their intelligence? Silence is the best IQ because it requires listening.

e.g., If you wear your pants below your waste-line revealing your rear-end, anyone could assume a lower IQ. Why? because your butt is out and people don’t normally greet this way.  The lower the pants, the lower the IQ???


A meme on social media once read,

“That when you’re dead, you’re unaware that you’re dead, but the death affects only the people around you. And when you’re stupid, it works the same way.” ~ Unknown

Detox life

You must be aware of the things you feed your mind and body. Whether it comes in through your ears, eyes, the company you keep, and the events you attend. If you’re going to have a healthy, prosperous life, anything unhealthy you’ve learned should be unlearned. You can not think negative and have a positive life. Be selective in all areas to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Being selective doesn’t mean being snobbish or rude. Set your personal boundaries.

Getting started


Your mind and body detox might take some time because it did take time to poison it. Go at your own pace. If you begin working out, do not start with the heaviest weight. It would help if you started small and worked your way up. The same principle should apply to your mind. Begin filling it with positive affirmations, investing in personal development, and listening to positive music. If you eat tomatoes, then tomatoes are coming out. Remember, what you put in is what you get out. Give nothing, and nothing is what you’ll get.


@WayofWisdom | 11 Things You Should Quietly Eliminate From Your Life

Ugly Historical Facts 

All across the world mental patients and the incarcerated were used in the name of scientific exploration. For centuries experiments are performed on people. Some were racially motivated experiments, others done to unwanted children of wealthy families, and administered to the poor with unfortunate backgrounds. Individuals with mental illness or a disability were locked away for eternity, especially the criminally insane, severely autistic and manic depressives. Severe mental illnesses were kept in padded cells, heavily sedated, or received shock treatments, lobotomy (holes drilled in the frontal lobe or forehead), and placed in straight jackets. This stereotype predates the first scientific discoveries, early 1600’s, and other ancient civilizations. The Greek God Hephaestus.


Historically, the facilities had deplorable and unsanitary conditions. Doctors including hospital staff would abuse and brutalize resident patients daily. Some wealthy families had “disappointment rooms” in their mansions where family members who were physically deformed or mentally ill were kept and cared for. Never having a full life these family  members were a well-kept secret. Their rooms were locked from the public or prying eyes.  Grave stones were erected in backyards to resemble death especially, if they were accused of violent crimes. When authorities came for an arrest many mentally ill persons were hidden inside mansion walls, basements and attics. 


Major legislation and protocols are  implemented to protect their rights from the brutality of the scientific community. However, mentally challenged and disabled people remain  our lower-class citizens because of their limitations. They are the most vulnerable in a crisis.  Unsanitary facilities private and government owned were closed or burned down by the general public. Sanatoriums were fined by government agencies and forced to erect heavy fencing with strict security and safety guidelines. Although many policies have changed, more has to be done. Today, mental illness remains stigmatized along with the facilities. Many have lawsuits pending decades because of the groundbreaking discoveries.


You can read more about it:


A Terrifying Secret.

What if someone close to you had a terrifying secret? What if they were dating someone you cared about, and you are now hearing the details of that break-up? What if your baby sister hid a pregnancy from your entire family? By the time it’s discovered, she’d given birth and tossed the infant out of a bathroom window. Although the infant survived, it had multiple skull fractures. The infant’s life was saved by an awning from the corner store below. Today, the child lives with brain damage.


Her sister remains a substance abuser with 2 small children today. Your friend has no children. However, she lovingly cares for her niece and nephew as her own. Your friend is offered a position as a Network Engineer, a salary of $120,000., and an all-expense paid opportunity to live in Japan. She remains at a $60,000 salary because of her obligation to her sibling.


Are you aware that 19.86% of adult Americans are experiencing a mental illness? It’s equivalent to nearly 50 million Americans, and 4.9% of them have severe mental illnesses. This data was taken from 2022 Mental Health America. The majority of people with mental illnesses weren’t born with it or suffered a severe life threatening accident, but due to substance abuse. When factoring in a person’s age, quantity consumed, or length of time and usage, substance abuse leads to mental illness.  Psychologists prescribe logical solutions whereas Psychiatrists prescribe clinical medications. It’s important to know this because the methadone clinics are full of substance abusers trying to wean themselves off drugs by using another drug. 


Don’t let small problems turn into big ones. Invest in yourself get Better Help. Click the link below. Have you ever made sacrifices for a loved one? Leave a comment below. Please share this article.

“A Man’s Got to Know his Limitations”. ~ Clint Eastwood – Magnum Force

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