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The Rock & The Hard Place

Human Development

Development of the human body is the process of growth to maturity. The process begins with:

    • fertilization
    • Embryo
    • Fetal
    • Infancy
    • Adolescence
    • Puberty
    • Adulthood

Each has its own developmental expectations and general characteristics or stages in all human beings. Further growth and development continue after birth, including physical and psychological development influenced by genetic, hormonal, environmental, and other factors. e.g., maternal instinct. This continues throughout life.


In Anthropology and Archaeology, the term “arrested development” means a plateau of development in some sphere has been reached. However, The term “arrested development” has had multiple meanings for over 200 years, according to Wikipedia. In medicine, “arrested development” was first used as a stoppage of physical development. Many believe it’s due to physical or genetic abnormalities at childbirth or a traumatic physical injury, e.g., TBI- Traumatic Brain Injury, Autism, and/or Bipolar. In 2021, a television sitcom titled “arrested development” and an R&B group titled a song with the same name.



What if I told you many people who live in adverse, stressful environments indeed have some form of arrested development or even PTSD? With continuous economic and emotional factors pulling you down, it’s a challenge in the ghetto to have personal space or time to meditate on YOU. Impoverished neighborhoods (ghettos) in the US are not alone.


Foreign countries where there is poverty have forms of social and economic degradation. A ghetto is approximately a quarter of a City’s members where any minority group lives, primarily because of social, legal, or financial pressures. Lack of education can result in unforeseen yet preventable illnesses such as obesity, heart problems, teen pregnancy, and high blood pressure.


Studies reveal underdeveloped communities are commonplace for trauma and disease. The criminal justice system is packed, and for those occupying mental facilities due to forms of “arrested development by association,” the majority of inmates and mentally ill persons generally live in one of these neighborhoods.


What You Need To Know

This is why it’s crucial to guard the doorway of your mind from toxic information. Protecting your mental health and personal peace is essential to your emotional well-being. The problem continues to grow; addictions, greed, immaturity, fear, blame, shame, resentment, anger, confusion, and suffering pain are all signs of arrested emotional development. When we get stuck in our emotional development, we stop learning how to take responsibility for our actions and lives.


Often, a person can develop negative mental chatter or self-talk, which further damages our well-being. Arrested Development is the leading cause of being in a toxic relationship for long periods, platonic or intimate. Arrested Development is like playing a scratched record repeatedly for the rest of your life. You never seem to get to your core problems; thus, you believe it doesn’t exist. However, life’s achievements, love interests, promotions, money, and other fantastic living joys seem to elude you repeatedly. You are back at square one. 

You need to live up to your full potential. Why?


Some would argue, “Why can’t they grow up?”. It’s like hoping the scratched record’s needle jumps to the next groove on the vinyl. Questions arise whether it is fundamentally a character disorder unchangeable for the person’s life or a matter of learned behavior that can be unlearned. There’s hope! You can unlearn those destructive behaviors and replace them with good ones. Set goals and read more books to avoid stagnation. This is why if you’ve ever been stuck between a rock and a hard place in life. Here’s the part you need to know, “It won’t be easy.”

Believe & Achieve

Begin by eating an excellent mental diet each day. It takes time to get all the mental junk foods you’ve fed over the years. e.g., violent crime movies, horror, songs with dangerous lyrics… There is absolutely nothing wrong with a well-balanced mental diet. Too much of anything can be bad for you, even when it’s good. All the times your parents said, No! Now, it’s your turn to govern your own life’s existence. Take an active role in your own life as Chief Executive Operator CEO.


Discipline is the key to all of this. It’s the key to all achievements in life. You can be better if you can control the mind that has been betraying your hopes and dreams. Begin to filter your conversation by changing your speech. Keep your business to yourself. No one needs to know your goals unless they plan on assisting positively. 


Meditation often quiets the mind and provides time for reflection. Talk to your mind in prayer (Philippians 4:6-8), talk to yourself, or speak to this living mind in meditation to learn to control this living thing that’s sabotaging your life plans. Now is the time to respect and treat your mind with the existence and love it deserves. Admit it, along with the other universal things we do not see with our eyes yet utilize their existence. e.g., air.


Your mind gets up with you every morning and lays down with you every night. It’s time you get to know it better. Next time you awake, greet your mind. Tell your mind good morning. Tell it something good! Feed it “Truth”. Your own Personal Truths. Begin to learn your strengths and weaknesses so you can make improvements.


It’s a journey, not a one-and-done deal. It’s an actual lifestyle change. A complete 360º understanding will come by and by. You will become one with the planet’s rotation, and all good things will begin to happen because you’re no longer going against the grain of your existence. And denying your own existence as a living SOULDaniel 12:4 Proverbs 18:15  


To change your life, you must first invest in YOU. Personal self-care means, inside and not only, the upkeep of outer appearance. Think of your mind as a house you bought. Are you going to let the roof cave in occasionally without adequate repairs? 

This journey is yours and yours alone, reasons you don’t need approvals. Thank you for your time. Remember to subscribe and tell a friend. 

Video Recap:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

  1. (800) 273-8255

Veterans Crisis Line

  1. (800) 273-8255, then press 1


  1. (877) 968-8491


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