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We are a diverse group and do not discriminate or SPAM. We are a digital resource magazine serving thousands of online individuals. There are no claims for a political agenda or a religious nature. Your personal beliefs are your own. The magazine focuses on lifestyle resources (products & services) such as environmental sustainability, tech, personal development, cuisines, fitness, education, fashion, travel, health and wellness.

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LIFEstyle Resource Magazine may test and use your assets for consumer satisfaction. Advertised products and services are often quality-checked. Do not partner with us for this reason. Product and service tests are done occasionally because of false claims. All ads should be visible for website use. 300×250 ads or larger, is a preferred size with a clear photo and data capture. If the advertiser has a YouTube channel, videos are good selling points. Therefore, having 4+ videos is desired. 

***Note to readers***

PENAMON PERKs® | LIFEstyle Resource Magazine and its advertising clients make NO claims of/or content validity in RSS feeds or spiritual blogs. We do NOT make claims or entice the use of magic rocks, crystals, or emblems, or the drinking or eating of potions and remedies. Your beliefs are your own. Use with discretionary caution. Please consult a state-recognized authority and licensed professional physician, social worker, or theologian in your local area. Our researched resources comprise universities, libraries, advertisers, books and periodicals, search engines (yahoo), etc. 

e.g. symptoms of mental depression or thoughts of suicide may result from clinical, physiological, or psychological changes. 


We are NOT a religious or a political party-affiliated website. We are an education website (digital) magazine for lifestyle resources for personal development.

24 Hour Prayer Lines

  1. Trinity Broadcasting Network—TBN (714) 731-1000.
  2. Christian Television Network—CTN (727) 535-7729.

Suicide Prevention Hotline: 24/7 mobile app available for download on any device (Google, Apple, web browsers, and health-related websites) 1-800-273-8255  


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Many challenged individuals have awe-inspiring challenges. e.g. shut-ins, problematic phobias, elders, etc.  Video is the go-to medium of choice. We are a personal development digital magazine for lifestyle learning with quality products and services and do NOT discriminate or SPAM… Thank you.

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