Questions For The Mirror

Questions For Your Mirror

The Reflection

What do you actually see when you look in the mirror? Do you know how many mirrors you have in your home? Or how often do you pass by mirror images of yourself on a daily basis and what are these mirror magnifications (100%, 50%…)? Have you ever approached the mirror as The Evil Queen in the Fairytale Snow White? Asking yourself the hard questions life throws at you. Often, I wondered about the mirror she lavished over which said horrific things to her, or why she never removed it. Some will say, “the mirror in the classic Snow White fairytale was truthful”. However, truth without kindness, compassion or love, is cruel and brutal. Yet, she continued to return to that very mirror for its hideous opinion. Why?

Several Perspectives

Were you aware that the magnification in some clothing boutiques, apparel shops are designed to make the customer appear slimmer or seemingly more attractive? A cylindrical mirror in a clothing store causes the customer’s width to have a linear magnification of 0.88 when the customer stands 2.5 m from the mirror. (Determining the focal length of the mirror: positive for concave and negative for convex).

Some magnification mirrors are used to catch corner/convenience store shoplifters or by Dentists to see behind teeth and officers to peep under doors, thru-holes, and around corners. Investment firms use these flexible terms for portfolio monitoring. Understanding Convexity demonstrates how the duration of a bond changes as the interest rate changes. Portfolio managers will use convexity as a risk-management tool. ie: construction, engineering, health industry…

Others believed in ancient times mirrors were spiritual doorways into another realm or dimension. Broken ones were believed to bring bad luck, there are also two-way mirrors. Generations ago the adults would cover up their home mirrors with bedsheets with respect for the dead. This was done to prevent any spirit from re-entering the home thus the dearly departed losing their way to heaven’s door.

You name it! 

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The Image Questions, Only You Can Answer.

    • What would you like but do NOT currently have?
    • What improvements could you make to the inner and outer person?
    • Who do you wanna be? (Not someone else, just YOU)
    • How many times have you returned to the mirror, only to get the same answer?
    • What does your mirror say about you?
    • Have you counted the mirrors in your home?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” ~ Albert Einstein.

The purpose of this article is not to shame anyone. This is your own personal journey of self-discovery, confidence building, and healthy habits for future prosperity. It’s a simple mental exercise you can learn from the education page. We are a LIFEstyle Resource Magazine. In the beginning, we asked questions about the magnification in your personal mirror and the ones you pass daily in life and its reflection of you. If you could change at least 1 thing in your life’s mirror what would it be?

This article is to get you actively thinking about it. Hopefully, the more you do, it will inspire you to take action. It’s not about a marathon or competition but a self-commitment, a self promise, small or great, it’s entirely up to you. Whether you make a list, write it down, schedule, make a phone call, or do some sort of research in the form of seeking it out. For things to begin showing up in your outer world, it has to begin in your inner world ( the mind). Read Proverbs 12:1 

Nothing can stop the power of a made-up mind, no matter which direction it’s going.

Article Perks

The Commitment or The Lie?

The first time you break the self-commitment, it’s a new habit, and new habits aren’t easily formed. However, if this behavior persists, one can postulate things will NOT differ. Therefore, you don’t need to make empty promises to others since you’ve let the most important person down, YOU.

Psyching yourself up will get you so far and not get you ready if you haven’t done the actual work. ie: physically, socially, mentally, or spiritually.

Could you master all 4, showing discipline in these areas?

Are you physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually fit?

Have you put your discipline to a practical test?

You can learn many things through a “process of elimination”. If you think there’s a weight on your shoulders now or a gnawing lump of anxiety building with all of this, just imagine if all of it was removed.

  • Competition doesn’t exist unless we make it for ourselves.
  • Keep plans to yourself. You don’t need approval.
  • Recite positive affirmations, learn cool ones, and make some up.
  • Give thanks wherever possible.
  • Tape the checklist to your bathroom mirror (cross-off as completed).
  • Focus and develop a routine.
  • All (good or bad) feedback is useful.
  • Read more books about your interests.
  • Be ready for opportunities.
  • Continue to CREATE! feng shui your home if you must.

The Chinese words “Feng” and “shui” translate to mean “wind” and “water,” respectively. This concept is derived from an ancient poem that talks about human life being connected and flowing with the environment around it.

Thank you for your time. Please share, like, and subscribe to our channel and theirs.

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