
Power Systems Right For YOU?

Physical Body

When your physical body needs rest, you lay down. When you need to eat, you eat. However, for a healthy body, most people are unconcerned or don’t believe it matters until they are ill. They teach physical education in all public schools in the U.S. However, most families or individuals find it difficult to take part in the home. Instead, time is consumed with petty differences, bad credit or debt, long working hours, or money spent on entertainment to pass the time of anxiety away. For this reason, health facilities are populating many of these neighborhoods and communities. 

ie: hotels, community centers, nursing homes, mental institutions, schools, apartment complexes… This leads to healthier people living in neighborhoods. Hopefully, to become a mainstay and not a passing trend.

Human Kinetics Journal

What is Kinetics?

  1. relating to or resulting from motion.
    • (of a work of art) depending on movement for its effect.

In the Human Kinetics Journal, Dr. Rainer Martens, a Kinesiology Professor at the University of Illinois, the heart, and physical exercise dramatically improved the lungs, equilibrium, stamina, and body. (ie: power walking, jogging, yoga, martial arts, bodybuilding, cardio…). Human Kinetics’ mission is to increase knowledge, enhance performance, and improve the health and fitness of all people around the globe. They are developing and delivering authoritative information about physical activity and sport on their BLOG.

People will shy away from working out. Why?

Because it involves physical labor, which is perceived by many as unnecessary exertion. Most weekdays, Monday through Friday, the average person is on a job. Therefore, any physical energy exerted equates physical labor with employment (work). To do physical exercise with no clear vision of a payoff feels odd to some because on a 9 – 5 job, you know which day of the week is payday. Laziness sets in and after that, you tell yourself lies. When actually the payday is enormous because, without your physical health, other paydays (employment, family, friends…) Wouldn’t ever be possible. Brian Tracy Discipline.


“Progress is impossible without change. Those who can’t change their minds, can change nothing” ~ George Bernard Shaw


What exactly is laziness?

It’s a mental condition more than a physical one. It’s the horrible things that haunt our minds. They’re the negative influences we see, hear, feel or touch daily, which are subliminal yet affect us profoundly. Start small by writing goals down and making them measurable and actionable. Doing this daily will unclutter your thoughts, and give you mental clarity to focus. You will soon discover most of life’s woes and goes are all mental and by choice. Begin to:

  1. Choose Healthy Meals
  2. Choose Healthy Friendships
  3. Choose Healthy Sleep Habits
  4. Choose Healthy Work Habits
  5. Choose Healthy Environments

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Power Systems

For over 30 years, the top commercial health clubs, non-profit fitness centers, and athletic programs have counted on Power Systems for quality fitness equipment, storage, and facility design services. Power Systems help you build your brand and your own studio. They provide articles and expert advice on equipment maintenance, upcoming clubs, championships, and safety as their top priority. Learn how to use spaces, and equipment usage, create memberships, make money during renovations, and more. Check out their BLOG.

  • Yoga Studio
  • Multipurpose Studio
  • Barre Studio
  • Gymnasiums… 

With the right amount of discipline, any goal is attainable. The choice is YOURS!

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