Planning ahead
Looking out for your financial future is the best thing you can do for your future self. It prepares you for family hardships, unexpected emergencies, and old age when you can no longer meet physical or mental job requirements. Begin with online courses for money management, seminars, community groups on LinkedIn, books, etc.
- Make a budget and plan future events.
- Develop a relationship with your money as you would a close friend.
- Keep it close to you and tell no one how much
- Solve a problem and target your market
- Try to develop multiple streams of income
- Work on yourself more than your current job
- Turn a job into a career
- Move closer to your money or job city
- Be willing to work harder and smarter
- Discipline yourself to achieve financial goals
- Remove unproductive distractions e.g. extreme partying, vices, or frivolous spending habits
How to make money your friend
In the beginning, we discussed employment expectations. Some would argue, they’re not doing it for the money, yet none of these people work for a charitable organization as a volunteer. After encountering an ignorant meme on Facebook, I realized that our beliefs about money and wealth are crucial to our prosperity. It’s like a relationship – some people treat it as their only relationship, while others don’t value it as much, even if it has been beneficial. How do you view wealthy people? How is money important in your life?
The Bible states that money solves most problems and for people whose income is below the poverty threshold, people with low income will always be here. (Matthew 26:11 and Ecclesiastes 10:19). However, it is also said to be fruitful and multiply. While many interpret this as having many children, it’s a metaphor, as the word “fruit” is mentioned over 60 times in the Bible. Fruit could be a metaphor for money, a harvest from hard labor, vitality, or health. The Bible serves as a guidebook of wisdom that meets us at our level of understanding and perspectives. Throughout the book, it encourages everyone to be prosperous and to sustain life.
The way most people speak about the wealthy, if I were their money, I wouldn’t want to stay in their pocket either. Let’s face it, if you don’t respect money’s worth, or value the opportunity it lends you through socialization, partnerships, and borrowed loans, you’re not going to have much. You can not make money without people. The animals and trees don’t need it, okay? Solve their problems and money will come to you as you tackle this.
The first step in any relationship is getting to know each other and to have mutual respect. Remember: The only people who don’t desire a conversation about money are those who don’t have any money and aren’t interested in obtaining it or keeping it. If you found this article helpful please pass it on to a friend or colleague. These stories are inspired by the people who subscribe to our channel. Please give a like. Thanks!