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Got eMail Marketing Skills?

Email marketing

Customers are a vital part of any business. Just as a superb chef is vital to any restaurant, the customer increases traffic. The kitchen is the engine room of all restaurants. If the kitchen doesn’t put out great food, your restaurant’s seats will be empty.

“You cannot tell people your food is great, and the restaurant is entirely empty.” ~ Gordon Ramsay – Kitchen Nightmares

Quora offered to pay me to answer random questions. I answered questions for 5 months. I have 238.6k viewers reading my answers according to my Quora credentials and highlights. They gave me my very own Quora space. I never used the space and here’s why; As I am setting up my Quora space an advertisement pops up in the top-right side corner of my computer screen. It was a familiar ad by one of my website advertisers. That was my wake up call. Stop neglecting your website customers and answer their questions foremost. Those 238.6k are now part of LIFEstyle Resource Magazine’s customers.

Word-of-mouth personal experience creates LIFEstyle Resource Magazine customers. One man claimed to learn about us from a flyer on a bathroom wall outside of Vegas. e.g. Use Fiverr to outsource projects such as handing out flyers. “Build it and they will come” is a myth. If you don’t advertise, no one is coming. If your customers don’t advertise by “word of mouth”, traffic is going to be slow. Find out why and how you can fix the issues. Ask customers what they want by gathering feedback with surveys. e.g. Frequently Asked Questions or a Contact page.

“Don’t wish for life to become easier, ask how I can become better?” ~ Jim Rohn.

Subscribe to their channel and ours.

Why are people reluctant to sign up?

  1. They simply do not trust you. Don’t take it personally. Better your product and services. Each day you don’t improve is a wasted day.
  2. They want to take unfair advantage of your service or offers. e.g. Sweepstakes, giveaways, etc.
  3. They want to harm you. e.g. Inaccurate analytics are caused by disposable email addresses.
  4. They’ll use disposables to hide their identities so they can post SPAM comments.
  5. They don’t value your service or brand. Use this as an opportunity to learn how to be effective.
  6. They want to remain anonymous.

“People may not tell you who they are, but they sure will show you, believe them.” ~ Maya Angelou

A customer will become a friend quicker than your friend becomes a customer. Protect your content, customers, and organization by being an effective leader. You are not in show business, but actual business. Your goal is to build better business relationships, not to push merchandise. What good is it if you’re not helping anyone? Use software and other vital programs to protect your domain.

“I invented 5 hour energy to be small, unrefrigerated, affordable, healthy, and at every check-out counter because if it doesn’t work, it’s not helping anyone. I made billions .99 cents at a time.” ~ Manoj Bhargava

Email is a way to communicate with your customer and service their needs. Emails build trust and loyalty. It informs readers of new and expired content. If you have an offer to give away, avoid some random stranger possessing it by using email cleaners. e.g. Kickbox is a WordPress plugin that verifies emails. It will seek and delete these temporary email addresses. Email marketing is vital to your success. It is the engine of any website or blog. Website aesthetics and SEO mean very little without this important skill set. Learn email marketing.

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300 Email Marketing Tips : Critical Advice and Strategy to Turn Subscribers into Buyers and Grow a Six-Figure Business with Email by Meera Kothand

300 Email Marketing Tips will give you more than a bare-bones framework to put in place an email marketing strategy for your business. The premise of this book isn't about growing a big fat email list. Email marketing is NOT list building alone. You need a coherent, holistic strategy to be successful at it. If you think email marketing is complicated and something you can't do, my goal with this book is to change that opinion. If you're struggling with any particular aspect of email marketing, this book will give you a fresh perspective on how you can tackle it too. Intrigued yet?

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