closeup of chrysanthemum and carnation bouquet

The Carnation is the Official Flower of Mother’s Day. Usually, Pink, Yellow, or Purple carnations are presented on this Special day depending on the age of the Mom. The carnation is a flower of celebration of life, promotion, graduations, weddings, Father’s Day… and death (funerals).

Much to do about Mother’s Day

All across the globe, people are celebrating moms. This season, they will celebrate grandmas, young moms, new moms, and moms-to-be. It’s nations of people all around the world showing appreciation and gratitude for lessons learned, life received, and sacrifices made by their moms.

Do you remember debates in the comment sections on Facebook? Typically, they continue in 2021 with a little more civility. Once this guy told me that, “80% of a woman’s strength is in her mouth”. Wow!!!!

The comeback, okay, Lol. I wasn’t taking that comment lying down. I then said, “Well, the Bible states there is life and death in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the tongue’s power…”). If women are 80% stronger in this area or good at it, then you should be careful with what you say next.” He blocks further comments on that post.

You’d think I was gonna use hocus pocus or something. Now it’s also understood strength is in a woman’s heart and mind. What good are we without compassion? Do you think the Facebook commenter is correct? Comment below

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Who started Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day is a holiday honoring motherhood that is observed in different forms throughout the world. Mother’s Day 2021 will occur in the United States on Sunday, May 9.

Anna Jarvis created the American incarnation of Mother’s Day in 1908 and became an official U.S. holiday in 1914. Jarvis would later denounce the holiday’s commercialization and spent the latter part of her life trying to remove it from the calendar. ‍While dates and celebrations vary, Mother’s Day traditionally involves presenting moms with flowers, cards, and other gifts. These are The Mother’s Day Pioneers according to the History Channel. You will find pioneers, both men and women, Coretta Scott King, Julia Ward Howe, etc.

We believe Mother’s Day belongs to the planet

“Mother Earth”

Below are Amazon and Martha Stewart products, such as organizing, cooking, clothing, kitchen gadgets, gardening, and furniture. “Martha Stewart is the queen of all things home, garden, and entertaining. Another thing is that the hostess with the most seems to be good at her skincare routine. While Martha may near 80 (yes, really), you’d never know it by her radiant complexion. But her secret to not looking her age seems to be a mentality.

In December last year, she told WSJ, “I don’t pay any attention to age at all…I have a robust constitution and I just don’t think about it.” via Women’s Health Magazine. Skin and hair smell like the ocean breeze, tropical flowers, fruits, and berries with natural choices of scents. Nothing like the feeling of being clean and fresh after a shower or warm bubble bath.  Fine jewelry with unique taste. Ask their professionals. Tell them we sent you Our Online Business Card. Oh! And it’s made by these guys, Canva, and it’s FREE forever. Anyhow, give your Mom and badass gift!  Beautiful wine from EVERWHERE. They gave their brand the correct name. 90+ Cellars must’ve visited every underground basement worldwide, okay? 

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