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The World Through the Lens of Chess: Perspectives on Kingdoms and Strategy

Once Upon A Time

How should we view the world in comparison to our environment? What could we contribute to make things better? Who are the valuable key pieces of your kingdom? (Photo by: Trey Ratcliff

Once I asked my mom to teach me how to play the game of Chess. Checkers had become too basic although still fun to play. She proceeded to tell me a story about kingdoms and their subjects as she set up all the chessboard pieces in proper formation. The story was about strengths and weaknesses, family, acquiring assets, history, and education.

She set each piece on the board describing the piece, by giving them names and their functionality. Each piece has its own space on the chessboard and navigation. She spoke about kinship, and said: “The Queen can move in any direction she wants for any amount of space”. Perceive this chessboard as the entire world. After my defeat she gave me 2 quotes from Queen Elizabeth II one was about success and the other was about the future and having a clear vision and preparedness. 

The Game

Since that mother & daughter “Game of Chess“, I’ve personally read about Queen Elizabeth II, her friends, and her family. It was a sheer curiosity because of the Queen’s motto:

Sapientia et Doctrina Stabilitas, generally translated from the Latin as “Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times.” The phrase is adapted from Isaiah XXXIII or 33 biblical texts.

I often wondered about all the International Catholic Cathedrals, their wealth, and how so many from a foreign land (Rome Italy St. Peter’s Basilica of Vatican City largest top-rated) came across an ocean and flourished in the United States of America. It dawned on me that my world perspective was so much smaller than I previously believed. Reading books will assist but, you can never learn everything in life there is to know.

Learn more about The Royal Family from their website. This article isn’t about the game of chess or is it?

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In the year 2021, you won’t believe this is all happening because you’re wearing an Apple Watch, watching amazing movies, eating juicy steaks at your local restaurant, and sipping gourmet coffees. However, medieval times do exist, biblical events and this includes those pirate movies you love to view, along with folks like Indiana Jones the Adventurer and Archeologist (Online Classes @Harvard). You don’t personally know them because they are not in your immediate circle of friends unless your family’s recorded history, heirlooms, and artwork date back centuries ago with a net worth over trillions.

Did you know Forbes Magazine keeps a list of some wealthy individuals in real-time? It’s categorized by country or territory, oldest, women, industry, and youngest. However, the individuals in this article are referring to have Kingdoms larger than the Forbes Billionaire’s List.

In this world, there are Kingdoms with Kings & Queens or Ambassadors with world concerns. Some have great reports for another’s nation and others, not so much. Today, some are still discovering who and what their place is in the world. These are usually the less fortunate with the least amount of power.

Just because modern-day pirates don’t wave the black skull & crossbones flag anymore, doesn’t mean pirating on the waters or lands ended or rather ceased to exist. And now, pirating also exists in the digital world, virtual reality, AI, and computers. It kinda gives you an idea of how much wealth there is in the world when your average top A-list Celebrity can’t match these types of wallets.

As of 2018, there are over 2,200 U.S. dollar billionaires worldwide, with a combined wealth of over US$ 9.1 trillion, up from US$7.67 trillion in 2017. According to a 2017 Oxfam report, the top eight richest billionaires own as much combined wealth as “half the human race”. CNBC reports on Oxfam: War, Covid, and Climate Change Fuel Hunger Crisis. Make you feel as though all U.S. Presidents should get together and chip in and not just the one elected, doesn’t it?

What Next?

From a world, viewpoint we are in a worldwide pandemic, and fighting in a burning building is foolish. Germs or viruses should never be a weapon, nor nuclear devices, PERIOD. Big money produced it, backed it and as a result, history was repeated. (Bipartisan Germ Warfare a novel by Max Brooks). This article isn’t to place blame on any one nation but to reveal what happens when wisdom isn’t applied to Science or knowledge. Nature will eventually replenish itself but, will we be here to enjoy it, is the general question. We may not have the extended history or wealth as the royals but we all cherish our families and health, don’t we? Stalemate!

What can we do?

We could quit our petty differences and heal our households. Right from where we are, create a better sustainable future.  Make changes both inside and outside ourselves in every corner of the world with education and resources.


For example: On Facebook a woman said to me:

“How can this place be better when told “inclusion” yet singled-out from restaurants and online shopping because they don’t except EBT cards.

Food is food and to assume poor people have a frig is stupid so why assume we can not budget money? When we’ve never had any descent living wages to begin with.

We’re separated by those who need to feel special based on green inked paper and coal from a mine. Yet, they have every other payment portal. We’re divided by net-worth and not actual worth.


2020 Nobody knew what an “essential worker” was until we ran out of toilet paper. It was reported that during quarantine (lockdowns) the air and environment became cleaner. This was primarily due to less human planetary filth from car exhausts, factories, and trash. Reported by Beth Gardiner in a National Geographic article on April 8, 2020. 2021 into the future we can have a sustainable future by correcting mistakes of past friendships, environments, climate, oceans, and nature as a whole.

Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times. ~ Queen Elizabeth II.

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Life's true essence isn't found in scores or ratings, but in our behaviors and interactions. Every new encounter shapes our...

“When we mentally give a person, place, or point in time more credit than ourselves, we create a fictitious ceiling. A restriction over the expectations that we have over our performance at that moment.

We get tense. We focus on the outcome instead of the activity and miss doing the deed. We either think the world depends on the result of it’s too good to be true. But it doesn’t and it isn’t. And it’s not our right to believe it does or is.

Don’t create imaginary constraints. A leading role, a blue ribbon, a winning score, a great idea, the love of our life, euphoric bliss… Who are we to think we don’t deserve these fortunes when they’re in our grasp? Who are we to think we haven’t earned them?

If we stay and process within ourselves, in the joy of the doing, we will never choke at the finish line. Why? Because we’re not thinking of the finish line. We’re not looking at the clock. We’re not watching ourselves on the Jumbotron performing. We are performing in real-time where the approach is the destination.”

― Matthew McConaugheyGreenlights

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