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Several Signs You’re Getting What You Deserve

Personal Boundaries

In the realm of relationships and life navigation, many individuals opt to skirt around the topic of rules and guidelines. Instead, they prefer to act as they see fit without considering the repercussions on others. It’s typical for people to point fingers at others for their issues rather than owning up to their actions. Learning to grant ourselves forgiveness for past mistakes and uncontrollable circumstances is crucial for personal development. It’s vital to recognize that control is merely an illusion and no one truly possesses it. To sustain healthy relationships, it’s wise to blend emotions with wisdom.

Jeremiah 17:9 NKJV “The heart is a deceitful place, who can know it?” 

“If you aren’t happy where you are in life you should move, you’re not a tree.” ~ Brian Tracy

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Remember these signs of a healthy relationship:

1. Clear communication: In a good relationship, you won’t have to guess about your partner’s intentions or feelings. They will be honest and upfront with you.

2. Mutual support: Being open and vulnerable with your partner should bring you closer together, not push you apart. Your partner should take your feelings seriously and not dismiss them.

3. Independence: You and your partner should have your own lives and personal space. It’s important to respect each other’s boundaries and not rely on each other for everything.

4. Consistency: Your partner should be reliable and consistent in their communication with you. You shouldn’t have to play games or wonder when you’ll hear from them next.

5. Thoughtful planning: Making plans together should be a priority, and your partner should consider your time and schedule when making arrangements.

6. Respect and care: Your partner should value you for who you are as a person, not just for your appearance. They should support your well-being and show interest in your thoughts and feelings.

7. Family and friends: It’s important that your partner respects your relationships with your family and friends. They should also be considerate and respectful when it comes to interacting with your loved ones.

8. Active listening: Your partner should take your concerns seriously and work with you to address any issues that arise. Both of you should be committed to making the relationship work.

9. Everyday love: Even small gestures and moments of affection can show that you are loved and supported in your relationship. It’s important to keep the romance alive and make each other feel valued every day.

Article Perks

All of these books, audio recordings, CDs, and DVDs are personally recommended by me. When applied, they can completely change your life. Instead of just treating them as a to-do list, allow them to become a part of your being and daily life. Go over them as many times as you need to, so the information sinks in. Avoid the naysayers, interrupters, and the many distractors who don’t want anything out of life other than to remain seated or lazy in order to justify excuses. Best wishes always.

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