multicolored abstract painting

Is Creativity A Life Story?

Remembering Dad

Has your dad, pop, father ever told you things growing up as a young lady, that you only realize are truer now that you are older? When my dad told me things, I always asked him, aren’t you breaking some sort of “Bro-Code”? He laughed and said,

“The Bro’s need to step up. When I was these guys ages I had two and three jobs. I had to ride a horse to go see my girlfriend. Some guy beat my time because he had a car. Lol

I relocated to New York City with one of my brothers and my two sisters, your favorite aunts, KimmiKins. I met your mom there on the subway going to work.

**If you believe in yourself you can do anything. Never forget this.”.

My dad passed away on September 4th, 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. You know when you couldn’t accompany your loved ones inside hospitals? I love and miss him and my mom every day. (Mom passed when we were much younger of cancer. Terrible disease, it just sucks the life force out of a person). Dad almost drank himself to death. It almost sucked the life out of him.

One day, he woke up differently. Praise God! He was 1 of 7 siblings and mom was 1 of 7 siblings. I have so many cousins. He would take some of the neighborhood children and our friends in Farragut to West Beth on Saturdays.  (About the Author). If you knew my dad you can say a few kind words here. Possibly one day you’ll awake differently and find your peace and purpose. When I write these posts, I am often misty-eyed, when I think of all the good someone has done in a life without a thought. ie: Fathers, Husbands, Mothers, Daughters, Son, Wives, Cousins, Grandparents,…etc.

Below is a list of the most beneficial things fathers may tell their daughters. Some are my personal best, others are from independent surveys and social media. You know, the really helpful good stuff, and not pretentious, robotic, or non-story-like comments. Marketing and Advertising Persuasive Devices)

maya angelou my mission

Things dads might tell daughter’s

No man is too busy to be with a woman he wants.

All men are controlling.

All men have their insecurities.

If a man stops his car and asks for directions, ladies should run.

If a man tells you he loves you and doesn’t take care of you, it’s probably false.

Men take care of what they love.

No real man abuses women or children, verbally, physically, emotionally….at all.

Most men try to see how he fits into a womens life, unless he’s passing thru.

You have to pay for what you love.

You’re not dating until you’re 30.

A guy isn’t good enough, until he’s actually good enough.

No man awakens a woman’s love without the intent of loving her.

Does he have a job?

Who are his people?


What does creativity mean to you?

There should always be a story behind things. I believe this because there’s a story in everything on this planet. There’s a story from the clothes we wear to the tiny ant that crawls on the ground. They all tell a story. People like YOU with intelligence know everything comes from somewhere. A Facebook friend posted a meme. It said, “Water doesn’t drink itself, air doesn’t breathe itself. Everything here is for a purpose”. Something to that effect.

Zig Ziglar posted on Facebook, “You’re gonna leave a story in life, whether you want to”. “Live Your Truth” ~ Taraji P. Henson. Others may try to tell or write your story for you. I’m serious. What do you think will happen? I guess that’s something you have to figure out.

I’m a writer, so I write. Creativity fascinates me. I marvel at the success of others. I enjoy watching passionate people doing what they do. We all learn from each other. No one person has all the answers and I think that’s beautiful. Our diversity Kintsukuroi or Kintsugi is the Japanese art of mending broken things with gold and some of us humans are Wabi-Sabi.

  1. Does creativity fascinate you?

  2. Could you strive to be better than yesterday?

  3. What if we all did this?

Why not look inside and mend what’s broken day by day, throughout your life? Be of service when we can in our natural way. (Earl Nightingale –  

Creativity is something we are born with. Master the things that are important to you. Just like my dad found a creative way to ride his horse,  move to an unfamiliar place, and find the love of his life, so can YOU.

Try writing your own story with your natural talents. i.e.: instrument, voice, coding, mechanics, home decorating… (resources). Your story has meaning because simply because you BREATHE.

  • What do you do creatively? i.e.: painter, musician, carpenter, cake designer, have a love of shoes…

  • What do you believe about creativity?

  • Is there creative talent in YOU or stifled?

“First you learn the instrument, then you learn the music, then you forget all that s**t and just play.”“Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn. They teach you that music has boundaries. But, man, there's no boundary line to art.” ― Charlie Parker
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  1. Leave a comment. Inspiration is all around you.

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  3. Click on Charlie Parker learn about him and follow us on “Good Reads” and read Charlie’s quotes.

You can click on the pic “I love Artists” and Donate to one of my Alumni. The High School of Art & Design (read more) Manhattan |245 East 56th Street, NY NY 10022 where I met some of the most talented people of all nations, religions, backgrounds, talents. It never ceases to amaze me what a quality education will do, or good books. As a wise man once said, “Always, stay humble and kind”. ~ Tim McGraw.

Well, I hate to wrap things up but until the next article, Au revoir. Stan Lee another Artist/Creator would finish, “Excelsior”. Excelsior was Stan Lee’s famous catchphrase which is a Latin word meaning “ever upward.” What began as a clever sign-off for Lee’s comics became his life motto.

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