Innovation’s Price
The worldwide web, or internet, became publicly accessible On August 6, 1991, by founders Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn. The internet produced fresh technologies such as e.g. emails, websites, cloud storage, coding, smartphones, AI (artificial intelligence), etc. Internet functionality offers advanced ideas, and employment and sparked the culture for TikTok, Memes, GIFs, hyperlink sharing, selfies, and social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
However, lurking in the background of creative technology were identity thieves, hackers, and scammers. Regardless of these descriptions, cyber-stalkers prey on your sympathy and patronize victims. Although authorities and organizations strive diligently to ensure cyber-security, offenders are clever. Offenders steal, by utilizing your information or digital footprint. e.g. photos, conversations, friends…
When someone wants to harm you, it’s best to never go to the second location. Often these stalkers are trying to isolate you from prying eyes and inquisitive minds. e.g. “If you’re gonna kill me, kill now.” Cybercriminals can be anyone and everywhere. They work on isolated platforms like Google Hangouts, WhatsApp, Viber, DMs, and Skype. They attend webinars, social media groups, and chat rooms to learn and find their next target.
To combat internet scammers effectively, we need to empower the public with knowledge about the potential dangers lurking online. It’s crucial to emphasize the importance of internet security in our everyday lives. By raising awareness and educating everyone, we can create a safer online environment for all. Let’s take action together to protect ourselves and each other from cyber threats!