
Do you like to write? Are you filled with stories from casual acquaintances, co-workers, family members, and friends? If so, then this article is for you. Blogging isn’t clickbait, junk mail, or SPAM. People read and subscribe to blogs for valuable information.  e.g. You can blog about a restaurant’s food and become a food critic for any cuisine. (A cuisine is a specific set of cooking traditions and practices, often associated with a specific culture or region.) Google “Food Critic” and wait for a myriad of names and faces to pop up. If you were to Google “lifestyle blogs” the same thing would appear, etc.

9 methods to make money blogging

Many blogging methods piggyback off each other and form a money-making ecosystem. AI writing programs have dominated online spaces. You do not have to compose your material, simply give the AI assistant an outline of your document and the computer program goes to work. Examples are Grammarly and ProWriter Aid. Many readers in the world with an internet connection, an iPhone, an iPad, or an idea are seeking valuable information. Multiple streams of income are another way to gain wealth besides real estate. Blogging can be one of those sources. Your stories and experiences could be someone’s liferaft. Free USA Government phone



Online Courses | Workshops

Books | Ebooks

Affiliate Marketing

Speaking Engagements

Recipes | Cooking Tutorials

Product Reviewer

Consulting | Coaching

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Why Blogging works

Blogging works because it’s passive income for the writer who is probably writing while they sleep. It’s a “no-baby-sitting” business to others. Many Bloggers used to be and are someone’s pen pal, news reporter, teacher, or single mom or dad. Many online and offline corporations hire freelance writers. A good example of this is Quora. People ask questions on the Quora platform seeking to get answers to their problems. Quora has 300 million subscribers to date. YouTube channels are now set up for Bloggers and Vloggers. Vloggers are video “how to…” information and you can create posts, like, share, and embed in webinars, eBooks, podcasts, pdf, and websites or on other social media platforms.

Top Ideas for Blogs

Conspiracy Theories

Recipe blogs

Weight loss blogs



Personal Development



Celebrity Gossip


Understanding the concept

Bloggers can have more than one website. Some have one good website where the traffic flows heavily and they’ve been around for years with millions of opt-ins. Some have visiting Authors, partnerships, visiting websites (RSS feed), and product and service permissions from other brands, remote operators, or employees if you will; each creates value and vice-versa. e.g. Online magazines create the most revenue because of the variety of topics they contain.  Compared to a “specialty website” that sells auto parts, which will only attract customers looking for just that. Traffic will increase with a variety of offers, amazing value, strategic planning, sharing, and paid advertising. Other websites mirror each other. An example is Ferrari, all the official contents of the Maranello-based carmaker have a website for car sales and another by Scuderia for a clothing line. However, the money ends up in the same pocket. Focus on brand recognition and awareness.

Simply advertise to keep the traffic flowing like a busy highway or sidewalk. How many people are in the world with an internet connection? Well, this is the number of potential customers for your online store. Be consistent, keep the lights on, rotate inventory, update archives, and keep information fresh like a real store. Remember this is passive income but you work it like a real store. The next time you see a racecar with business names advertised on the sides or sponsoring, they’re helping each other turn a profit with promotion.

Learn patience and this formula: Universe (people) x traffic (opt-in) plus years in service (age of website and value) = passive income. It’s truly that simple. This is the concept you should be striving for.

Dare to be different

Websites are for brick-and-mortar and online customers. Many websites are so cookie-cutter they look just like their competitor. How can you give your customers a unique experience if you look like everyone else? The universe is limitless. This is your store. Dress up your store window any way you see fit to attract the audience you want. You don’t need fancy gimmicks, lies, or scams. Your audience will find you, keep advertising. Burger King, McDonald’s, and Wendy’s all sell burgers but they are mostly preferred customers. This is called target marketing. A target market strategy is a business plan focused on growing sales and brand awareness within a specific group of consumers. To do this, businesses strategize based on demographics that make up a market, which is an area or group specified for a product. Do NOT become stingy. Give away a few free items, and discount deals not seen elsewhere.

The presentation matters, it shows respect for your audience or customers so they can return and hopefully bring a friend. Maintain quality standards, products, services, and posts with value. You truly want each customer experience to be positive. Word of mouth is the highest praise you can get. It’s never a good feeling to purchase from a website that disappeared. We’ve been around since 1999 selling products and services. However, our website articles began in 2017 to create even more value. We hope to have larger monetary amounts for sweepstakes and solicit other writers, more YouTube channels and “In The Spotlight” contributors, extra products from networks, and more collaborative bloggers to place our content on their websites.

If it doesn’t help our subscribers (YOU) we don’t want it.

What matters

    • Do you want likes on social media or customers at your store?
    • Do you want to be an online store owner?
    • Do you want to build a following on social media or a space you designed where creativity is boundless?
    • Who are your readers?
    • What is your niche?

Granted, you can make money on social media platforms. However, you do not control the traffic flow, content allowed or audience reach. For all you know, you paid for an ad and nobody saw it because some back-office guy blocked your channel, reported your page, or had a bad day at home. Some platforms will not allow you to monetize unless you have a certain number of followers. You got time? When posting to these platforms they take your spot at the top of the SEO food chain. Share or promote from your domain if you want to remain the star. I learned this the hard way.

Let us be clear porno sites do not create themselves. Pornography is a billion-dollar business and they advertise also. That guy is not sitting around waiting to see if someone clicks on Amy’s boobs for $1.00. He is quite certain because of his website presentation, ads created, sharing, and marketing strategy on his platform. Having a good hosting plan is important. If your website is down due to technical issues this will lower your ranking. Many hosting agencies use these technical issues to sell SEO products you do not require. Do not be scammed, especially if you have a good track record of writing articles.

Take a writing MasterClass from Levar Burton, Sharonda Rhimes, RL Stine, Margaret Atwood, and other famous Writers for TV, radio, music, movies, and books!


The likes, surveys, and emoji buttons on social media are to determine what content is preferred and by whom and this is how analytics are created and measured. It’s for them to decide what ads get placed in your news feed. It is not to determine your self-worth, abundance of friends, or determining your friend’s loyalty. This is why having your domain will reach more people it’s because you are well-informed of actual events taking place in the back-office.

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