stack of books with child sleeping

Here's what Black and Jewish People know

Reading is fun-to-mental

Why do you love to read? Why do you love books? Television is instantaneous learning and is more entertaining. If you watch a movie, the visual is more compelling than a book. I beg to differ with the statements because anything in a movie or television program first came from writing a script, screenplay, or book. Did you know many movies originated from books? e.g. Schindler’s list

Books have survived doorsteps, attics, history, and basements longer than any video, CD or DVD. If the internet breaks or a satellite gets disrupted, there’s always a book lying around. e.g. diaries, recipes, and letters from grandma. Visual effects and cinematography are the directors, producers, and actors’ portrayal of events. Words can create a personal power (inspiration quotes) in you that’s derived from books.

Put this to a practical test. Turn the volume down while watching a movie, then decide whether the actor/s performance is good. Can you figure out what’s happening without the use of words or audio?

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Reading, writing and the imagination

Reading allows your mind’s eye or imagination to soar from your emotional understanding or experience. Without the use of physical movement, you’re traveling in time and space. It’s the part of the brain where dreams come from. Have you ever heard of the “divine spark”? The divine spark is a portion of God that lives within each human being. It’s the purpose of life, making your mind a living entity and a human soul. Albert Einstein describes the imagination as the mind’s ability to be creative.

However, creativity is like a muscle. It gets exercise each time you read a book when pictures aren’t available. It’s a space where ideas are planned. Reading is a doorway to your mind’s imagination. Trendy lifestyles today will change, but reading and writing will never be out-dated. Writing has been around for thousands of years, with “the age of reason”. Currently, there are a trillion and trillions of books in existence. e.g. horror, fiction, biographies, memoirs, non-fiction, comedy, recipes, sports, and more.

Reading and writing are human being’s first important lines of communication through mailed correspondence. Many cultures consider writing an art form. e.g. calligraphy. There are hundreds of fonts designed to complement writing for book titles, printed ads and posters. Reading and writing is so important there’s a literacy council for teaching the illiterate, a Library of Congress for legislation, and some first edition classic novels are expensive compared to your house.

Black and Jewish people know this

Did you know during the holocaust many Jewish communities suffered by the hands of their abusers, similar to African Americans during slavery? Houses torn down, robbed, and they dragged people out, tortured, and killed them. In each case, books taken, burned, and abusers forced them to boycott their faith and heritage doctrines. Why?

Writing is a proof of existence and the reason store owners ask for receipts. e.g. indictments. It’s the reason police ask for license and registration when your vehicle’s pulled over. It’s the reason going to court has any purpose and why 56 men signed The Declaration of Independence (pdf document). 

When you remove a person’s reading choices, you’re removing their independence and identity. Read article Individuality is Independence. Books have heritage, knowledge, value and the voice of the author who writes it. Langston Hughes’ poetry does not sound like Ray Bradbury, nor does Philip Roth write like Maya Angelou. e.g. The Slave Narratives pdf document. It’s comparing apples to oranges.

The moment you write something down, action is the next move for change. Action is the only truth there is. Are you aware today’s literature is being banned according to the New York Times, The Washington Post and USA Today from libraries and schools? This is how slavery began. It’s should never be about, “we’re all the same”, when clearly we are not. It’s about respecting diversity. Banning books keeps you ignorant and should stop because it’s a prelude to slavery indoctrination. This is what Black people and Jewish people know. Covering the truth won’t make the pain go away. 

***This is a petition to sign to stop the banning of books in public spaces. LIFEstyle Resource Magazine hadn’t started the petition, but we would like you to consider signing it because it’s important.***

stack of books with child sleeping

Petition to stop book bans

Book banning is becoming too popular around the country (USA). It's increase has sparked this petition among others. Please sign and show your support. Thank you.

Article Perks

Learn Calligraphy

Kellogg and Penguin Random House Books are campaigning for Feeding Reading National. (1) box of cereal equals (1) reading book for a child.

TAKE A PIC of your receipt(s) with qualifying purchase(s). Log in or join to upload your receipt(s). Someone must upload separately each receipt and within 30 days of purchase, no later than 10/30/22.

Credit(s) to redeem for a book(s) of your choice to keep or donate. Credit(s) must be redeemed by 11/15/22. Limit of 10 books only per customer. See Terms and Conditions for more details. Participating cereal list

Banned Books:

The Diary of Anne Frank, Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, The Hate You Give, etc.

Barnes & Noble List

All receipts must be dated May 23, 2022 thru Sept 30, 2022. Upload your photos here.

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