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Have you checked your mental diet?

Journal to the Self : Twenty-Two Paths to Personal Growth - Open the Door to Self-Understanding by Writing, Reading, and Creating a Journal of Your Li

Journal to the Self : Twenty-Two Paths to Personal Growth - Open the Door to Self-Understanding by Writing, Reading, and Creating a Journal of Your Li

A nationally known therapist provides a powerful tool for better living--a step-by-step method to personal growth, creative expression, and career enhancement through journal writing.

Mental Diet Checklist

Checking your mental diet is eliminating anything mentally that causes you pain, anxiety, and frustration unhealthily.. Try to keep your diet balanced. Too much of anything can be a problem as well. Discomfort is good if your lessons and life afterward exceed and outweigh the discomfort, no matter how awful it is. Why? Because you have created a good goal for yourself in your universe, life and beyond. Be determined to accomplish them.

There will be many costs, barriers, distractions… so always keep this in mind. (‘uneasy is the head that wears a crown’ is from Henry IV Part 2 ~ Shakespeare “Bard of Avon”; is often now phrased as ‘heavy is the head that wears the crown’). This is not describing un-comfortability due to lack of knowledge, laziness and excuses. So straighten your crown and continue your journey.

Added are some perks to this post. Eating a healthy well balanced meal helps with mental health and physical fitness.

Writing Things Down

Often, you need to write things down to accomplish goals. Writing will provide focus compelling you to take action. Pinning a thought, affirmation, goal to a mirror for workouts, to a journal online or offline, and vision boards. If there is anything you want to change, while monitoring the pot that’s cooking, you can. See LIFE as a recipe and you’re the chef. Having all the proper ingredients things can be fun and exciting all the time. You are in your own happy place when you become the person you truly want to be. We are not referring to your occupation. Although, they can be one and the same if you put in the effort.

Spring is finally in the Air

The birds are chirping, leaves and grass are growing. You can finally get to those household chores you’d rather put off until next Spring, next year or tomorrow. You know “Tomorrow”, it’s where most dreams are kept. You know, the ones you were saving for when the weather gets better. Learn to treat the Seasons with respect and do what you can to make each one AMAZING. Be safe out there and mask up.

Article Perks
Writing to Grow : Keeping a Personal-Professional Journal by Mary L. Holly

Writing to Grow : Keeping a Personal-Professional Journal by Mary L. Holly

Writing to Grow describes how keeping a journal can facilitate observation, documentation, and reflection on current and past experiences, including a teacher's life history and the social, historical, and educational conditions that usher in the present.

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