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Fascinating Limiting Beliefs and Overcoming Insecurity

Question Insecurity

Why does it appear easier to accept bad thoughts and negative criticism above good ones? Why does the opinion of others seem to take precedence over your own? If anyone says something about you or some area of inadequacy, you immediately get triggered into anger. What is insecurity? Oxford Dictionary online describes it as; “the state of being open to danger or threat; lack of protection.” In other words, it’s a feeling. Insecurity involves an overall sense of uncertainty or anxiety about your worth, abilities, skills, and value as a person. Insecurity can be masked by ego or self-pity. Self-pity creates low self-esteem and self-doubt. The ego needs an identity so it creates a fake one with accolades. Many insecurities can be conquered. You can acquire courage and knowledge with small steps of faith and perseverance by yourself or with help.

Feelings are often unpredictable, fickle, and based on memories of emotional events unique only to you. Whereas basic knowledge is information derived from statistics, research, and proven methods from clinical tests. When in doubt, go by what you know and not by how you feel. When there’s a lack of emotional intelligence, feelings of insecurity are difficult to manage. Harvard Business School describes emotional intelligence as the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of those around you.

Types of Insecurity

Social events

Relationships or emotional


Image of physical appearance


Basic needs: housing, food, or health

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Creating Value

“Someone’s opinion of you doesn’t have to be your reality” ~ Les Brown | Motivational Speaker

A reader told this story about her 2 adopted nephews. Her sister is mentally challenged and gave birth to 2 boys, whom she is the legal guardian of. Guardianship was insisted upon by their mother, a family attorney, and a doctor. A judge also terminated her ability to birth other children. For Estee to remain a family member under the same roof, her social life must be monitored in conjunction with her health. Her mentally challenged sister Estee has the support of her mom and older sister but feels insecure because of her inability to be a better provider financially, emotionally, or logically.

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” ~ Lucille Ball | Actress

Believe and succeed. Today, Ann no longer dreams of the life she could’ve had if it weren’t for her baby sister’s children. Ann has obtained a Degree in Psychology and works with mentally challenged children. She travels with her boyfriend to amazing places. Her baby sister is learning to receive help from her older sibling Ann in a loving way. Estee is living free of judgment, fear of losing her 2 son’s love, and free of self-doubt. By obtaining that Psychology degree Ann was able to respond to her younger sibling in a positively productive way.

We are all fixer-uppers, some more than others. Everyone can’t face or fix their insecurities when living with a condemned mindset, birth defect, shame of poverty, or childhood trauma. So many people wish to be born into a different life story. Creating value within herself, Ann wrote her story’s outcome and created value for those around her. Perhaps the stories we tell ourselves are the life we’ll lead.

Belief Systems

A limiting belief is a state of mind or belief that restricts you in some way. These beliefs are often false accusations you make about yourself or something that causes negative results. Your mind fabricates fear, using your feelings of insecurity to build a wall of uncertainty. We all feel fear or anxiety when faced with new challenges. Most limiting beliefs are negative emotional thoughts that are created during early childhood which get reinforced throughout your life. (e.g. fear of failure without actually trying; phobias or irrational fears and doubts which cause anxiety and insecurity.)

Our insecurity, imagination, and curiosity aim satellites away from the planet to discover intelligent life elsewhere. Is it arrogant to think you’re the only one who’s wonderfully made? Or fashioned in the image of a heavenly God-Father whom you haven’t seen? Or felt with a scintilla of spirit, and told he is amazing?  Could you believe otherwise? Maybe there’s something out there smarter than you, highly favored, better than you? Possibly on the way to steal your planet’s natural resources, and your children’s future, and use you as a test dummy. Which is the healthier belief choice?

What do you believe?

What you believe about life has an enormous impact going forward. What if you discovered your mental ability is unlimited? And that science, natural abilities, and logic can’t take you where only magic and the supernatural can go. Faith, hope, and belief are indeed magical words and are only explained with another magical word such as love unbound by actual reasoning. The best part is, you get to choose. The best choice is the one most researched, organized, and planned.

Some are focused on “can’t” or “impossible”, they truly believe aliens built pyramids on the Continent of Africa, gave us technology from Area 51 military base, and will come to fight us one day for our planet’s natural resources. The same resources we take for granted every day. (e.g. ocean’s water supply). Why do we have so little respect for our abilities? Others imagine human beings use 10% of their brains and are only capable of simple binary thought when we’re capable of much more.  How can you think positively with so much negative mental input from television, peer pressure, religion, and the internet? Astrophysicists in the room marvel in awe-inspiring wonder when faced with scientific equations about the universe. But regardless of the naysayers there’s no denying their existence. They can only copycat what’s already present and available.


Focus on positive outcomes. Adversity was never meant to cripple your efforts but to catapult you to the next level forward. This encourages us to develop inner strengths where needed. Possibly with enough of life’s adversity and challenges, we can close the gaps in our thinking. Discard what’s not needed or useful to your well-being. Discard them with positive affirmations, a psychological evaluation, hypnosis,  emotional intelligence, and/or re-writing your personal inner story for success. It’s like giving your subconscious mind an upgrade with repetitive good habits. This will not happen overnight, but if you do this, a new you will rise out of the ashes like a phoenix over time (discipline is key).

 (Names are changed in this article to protect the privacy of many individuals. Thanks for your understanding.) If you found this article useful pass it along to a friend. Previous article on Success

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Posted by PENAMON PERKs' LIFEstyle Resource Magazine on Thursday, June 15, 2023

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