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Bookmark Basics

Have you ever decided to organize your computer web browser bookmarks? On browsers, there are 3 dots in Windows’ right upper corner, under the “x close”. In this tab, there is an option to save pages, make folders, and other neat settings. Most folks generally save page links and “move right along”, with business as usual. Today was different for me because I decided to organize everything into folders and categories. This was after constant scroll-throughs of all the unsorted bookmarked links.

All the research and history is interesting to find.  I decided to put a few in this Holiday post before Our Sweepstakes Entry Winner Roll Call (December 26, 2020, 8 am CST @Lifestyle Resource Magazine.). Don’t forget to like, share, and follow Our Facebook Page. We will announce all the Winners of this Holiday Event. In one of the computer browsers bookmarked were some pretty amazing websites we simply forgot about. There are awesome products and services found, so a few were added to this article. We decided to organize all the computer browsers. The information was massive.

Try it sometime, when you’re not too busy with living.

Learn more about your browser. What you think you know, you may not know.

  1. Ellevest A Money Membership for Women
  2. How To Get A Divorce With No Money
  3. Meme Templates
  4. Website Music
  5. Small Business Resource American Express
  6. 5 eBook Templates downloads
  7. Amazon Web Services AWS- Console Developers

Support of Small Business Worldwide

PENAMON PERKs LIFEstyle Resource Magazine is a Small Business. We have been extremely fortunate but many other businesses during Covid19, haven’t. Small Businesses have suffered during this pandemic from March to the present in the USA. Many individuals lost their jobs and others work with face masks or from home. Many department stores and restaurants were closed except for grocery owners. Local businesses suffered from vandalism, riots, and closures for long periods during a presidential election year. All of these factors have caused hardships for many Small Business Owners nationwide and their families. Many of their resources were depleted, if not destroyed. We ran campaigns and were able to assist Our brethren. As a result, we were given rebates.

Thanks to our beautiful partnerships and customers like you.  We decided to use it in Our Sweeps and give back for the holidays. Update your account.


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