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Why I Write Your Stories.
Sticks n Stones
Whoever claimed that ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm’ was mistaken. How many times have you felt the sting of someone’s words piercing your core? If you haven’t mastered coping skills, verbal abuse can cause severe emotional trauma, especially in children. Coping skills and maturity are crucial methods for dealing with stress. Confront challenges and tackle problems with flexibility and perseverance.
verse 21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
~ KJV Bible Psalm 18:1-24
Reading or writing is always relevant, no matter how technically advanced we become. Storytelling helps young children get a good night’s sleep according to the Sleep Foundation. Literacy experienced a resurgence by the 15th century (15th century, which lasted from January 1, 1401 to December 31, 1500, commonly known as the Middle Ages), when paper was widely available. The Reformation emphasized the significance of literacy and the ability to read the Bible. Biblical reading increases a person’s wisdom and transforms the quality of life when put to a practical test. It is widely acknowledged that reading and writing enhance a person’s knowledge and improve lifestyle relationships, confidence, and or financial status.
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Personal Connections
I can remember sitting on laps, porches, at campsites, and nap time listening to the stories of family members. I remember my favorite books from libraries, school, and book fairs that gave me new perspectives, inspiration, and imagination. I’ve been drawn to the power of storytelling. I found that through stories, people can connect, learn, and understand the world around them. As I grew, I realized that writing stories was not just a hobby, but a passion.
I write your stories because I believe in the power of healing words to inspire, comfort, and provoke thought. Each story I write for you is an opportunity to share a piece of myself and positively impact your life. Whether it’s a personal experience, a heartwarming anecdote, or a thought-provoking narrative, I write your stories to create moments of joy, reflection, and connection. With each word I type, I hope to bring a little light into your world.
Hobby or Obsession
For you to become great at anything, you must obsess over it. Transitioning from a hobby to a passion wasn’t easy. While visiting my old neighborhood, I reconnected with old and new friends who shared their childhood stories. These stories were vivid and described life in Farragut Houses, full of both joy and pain. I transformed each story into poetry, incorporating slang commonly used at the time by each individual. My books are on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and various online bookstores thanks to all of you.
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