What is Your Assignment?
Someone once said that embarrassment acts like a master, holding you prisoner with doubt and shame. If God is your true master, no one can judge you against a higher power. But first, you must have faith and believe. People thrive when they have a clear direction. Would you agree? What are you becoming in your current role? “The Assignment” is a spiritual gift we all possess at birth. Think of it as an operating system with various integrated apps. It’s free, with assignments serving as seeds of greatness. To nurture your assignment, you’ll need unwavering focus and respect. Along the journey, you’ll gather knowledge and inspiration, but remember, there are no shortcuts. This won’t be an easy ride.
Have you noticed that those who obsess over their assignments reach remarkable heights? To gain more, you must first grow into more, and the reward for overcoming life’s challenges is another challenge. This is how faith deepens. The term “faith” comes from the Latin word *fides* and Old French *feid*, meaning confidence or trust in someone or something. What beliefs do you hold? Are they supportive of your life? When your faith is unwavering, abundance flows. This happens because you’re living authentically. Notice how everything seems to fall apart when you’re not true to yourself? It’s because you can’t deceive yourself. Embrace the belief that amazing things are within your reach, and you will manifest them.
The Legend of the Two Wolves
This legendary tale features a grandfather sharing wisdom with his grandson about manhood, telling a coming-of-age story that reflects our inner selves. Two wolves exist within each of us—one embodies darkness and despair, while the other represents light and hope. These two are in a constant battle, clashing day and night. The grandson asks, “Which one wins?” The grandfather replies, “The one you feed.” ~ Cherokee Nation Which one of the wolves are you feeding? Become mindful of the things you say to yourself and guard the doorway of your mind when others speak negatively.
How to Recognize You’ve Discovered Your Life’s Purpose
– You wake up excited every morning.
– You enjoy the company of like-minded, positive individuals.
– Monday mornings no longer fill you with dread.
– You’re eager to learn and grow.
– You invest in your passion.
– You uplift and inspire others.
– You might sell your work, but you’d happily do it for free.
– You possess an unwavering belief in yourself.
– You set meaningful goals and plan strategically for better outcomes.
– You brim with energy and determination.
– You focus on nurturing your destiny, not your problems.
The challenges that infuriate you often point to the problems you need to solve—typically the ones you’ve been avoiding. Remember, pain isn’t merely suffering; it teaches, matures, and leads to wisdom if you emerge victorious. Often, your obstacles lie hidden in your weaknesses and insecurities. There’s no greater grief than denying the truth until it’s too late. Your assignment is uniquely yours, the narrative of your inner hero. This is your destiny, so embrace it fully.
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