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The Journey Begins Here

The Journey

Learning is a life-long process and a vital part of living. From the moment we’re born, we develop habits (learned behaviors) from our environment. Until we’re able to read, write, do arithmetic (reason), or communicate, we must explore other possibilities. Learned behaviors (habits) set a pattern, become a routine, and are altered throughout life. Habits bombard us with tasks such as bill pay, employment, fitness, chores, entertainment, or raising a family. Organizing and structuring these habitual tasks is key. Consciously planned disciplines for long- and short-term goal-setting will maximize your day. This is how things are accomplished.

A journey leads to a road you must travel to explore these possibilities. That road will lead to a mountain to overcome, the next crossroad where discerned decisions are made (choices). All journeys begin as an idea. Those ideas or self-talk create your reality. Do your homework because there aren’t any shortcuts. It’s simply time-oriented hard work, faith, and positive thinking for effective results. There’s no way around hard work.


Warren Buffett once said;

“if it seems risky, it’s because you don’t know what you are doing”.

John C. Maxwell’s “Success is a Choice”, is a perfect title because you have to choose your daily habits, or negative self-talk will take over. Each day we wake, all people must consciously decide to fight off negative energy. Your thoughts are alive, your dreams are possible, and your words can be destiny. This means letting go of bad thoughts and anything impeding your progress (unnecessary distractions from external or internal forces). Forgiveness doesn’t establish relationships, but, it frees up emotional space for creativity. This is what you were designed to do, create. You can set boundaries as needed. Learn to focus on your intent.

Humbling tips to remember 

    1. Your journey is your own. It’s not a competition unless you make it one.
    2. Success doesn’t equal fame but it leaves clues.
    3. Many wealthy people are living among you, whom you simply do not know.
    4. The more negative thoughts are buried inside, the agony of unforgiveness will persist, and letting go gets tougher.
    5. Buried emotions can be like a seed, expect a harvest.
    6. Life doesn’t care what you plant, anger, or a worthwhile goal.
    7. Whether you plant poison or daffodils they will both grow in equal abundance.
    8. Circles do not have corners. Therefore, no living soul can claim a corner of any planet.
    9. Anything sent into the universe will return to you because the earth is round.

If these humbling tips aren’t a good explanation, see the planetary manufacturer. We’re all simply passing through. If you like this article, why don’t you share it with a friend? Thank you for your time. 


Article Perks

“When you have a goal, you always start at the end and work your way toward it.”

~ Will Smith 

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