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Engaging posts that quickly go viral

Things you need

Have you spent hours writing a social media post only to receive nothing? “Why doesn’t anyone care about this post?” I can tell you, that social media has algorithms for ranking and displaying content on your news feed. Besides these SEO algorithms, what does it take to craft a winning social media post that goes viral or gets noticed?

To prepare a great post, you need 4 things. An eye popping image, engaging and easy-to-read copy, marketing and a clear call to action (CTA). Without them, your post will not receive much organic traffic. Organic traffic is visitors that land on your website from unpaid sources. Essentially, it’s free traffic. Organic sources are search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing. The brand of digital marketing that focuses on improving organic traffic is called Search Engine Optimization

Formerly, employed as an executive assistant for Thomas Publishing Company List Marketing at 5 Pennsylvania Plaza; New York City, my primary function, was target marketing. There are 2 list types: lifestyle and business. We sold business lists (B2B). Lists comprising United States manufacturers who advertised in the Thomas Registrar publication. The registrar comprises 28+ books or volumes of scientific or industrial manufacturing and engineering companies.

By using specific demographics, I could target these companies. Demographic selections were a company’s standard industry code or SIC, zip code or location, company name, annual income, or number of employees. I used technical writing and computer language to create a targeted compilation in various formats. i.e. magnetic tape data storage used in early computing or printed mailing labels. A perfect example would be a shoe manufacturer ordering a list of all the U.S. rubber manufacturers. Do you see the correlation

Do you know your customer? Organic traffic is nice, but targeted traffic is better. Let’s inspect each step. Implementing slight changes can cause a big bang for your buck.

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#1: Your social media post needs a brilliant image.

This show-stopping image should reflect the content of the story. e.g. If you’re writing about camel barbering, you’ll want to see, at the very least, a camel with a fancy haircut. When people scroll through their feeds, they rarely stop because they see very engaging text—they stop for the exciting images! Your social media post needs an engaging photo or drawing or some other type of image to stop your audience in their tracks. 

What should you include in your image? Try images that differ from everything around them—the contrast will stand out while scrolling. Don’t use a dull or washed out filter. Aim for an image with bright contrasts. Focus: make it obvious what your post is about so people scrolling can see it and know exactly what you’re writing about. If you have an offer (e.g., a 2-for-1 deal special), make sure that your audience doesn’t have to hunt to find it. It should be bright and very easy to see or have a link. 

#2: Your social media post needs easy-to-read copy that is engaging

The image is the hook. But to capture them, you need to hook them with engaging, easy-to-read copy and title. Every writer has a distinct voice. There are certain practices we all can follow to keep your audience engaged. First, talk normally. Like a real person. Social media isn’t the place to post an academic dissertation. It’s the place to connect with your potential audience and/or customer. A good deal of them may not have a serious academic background. Talk like a normal person in your social media posts! Use easy-to-understand colloquial language

Add links to the dictionary if you like. Don’t become a selfish writer give links to other writer’s blogs, friends or articles which present valuable knowledge. Give or reference proven data from top universities. Let your readers know you value their time

#3. Marketing direction has more to do with you than with your audience.

Do you have a great writing program that corrects grammar? Think of social media free platforms as influencers, much like a billboard along a highway. There is so much traffic, but you need a destination, preferably one that you control. You do not control Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Tumblr. They tell you what you can and cannot post. They’ll block content if unapproved. Ask yourself, how many paid social media ads have you hidden because it was irrelevant, repetitive or plain ole crap? 

However, if you pay for a website, you have the power. The key word is pay. Take yourself seriously first. Paying it forward shows you are serious about your work. If you’re not willing to pay, why should anyone else? You can’t have customer service without a customer or communication. 100 likes feel great for about 20 seconds, okay? A share goes a long way, so do it often. Respect group rules on social media by sharing relevant content. If you have family or friends sharing your content, the better. Think of it as another billboard on a highway.

Your website power:

Gain targeted traffic or a list of exclusive subscribers.

Post affiliate links and original content you control.

Design a specialized look or brand.

Collect revenue by paying only once to share it.

Opportunity to tell your story.

Protect your content. i.e. eBooks, PDFs, and customers.


#4: Your social media post needs a clear call to action.

  • Finally, you need to capitalize on the beautiful image and fantastic copy you’ve put together by having a clear call to action.
  • What’s the point of your post?

  • Are you simply trying to engage your audience by posting something interesting that they’d enjoy? e.g.

  • Do you want them to buy something?

  • Do you wish to bring attention to a particular cause or event?

  • Is it a “How to” lesson you’ve gained and want to share?

  • Is it to build readership and gain subscribers?

  • Include your call-to-action at the end of your post to get those results. Who determines your content and prices? Your competitors do.

“You live in an adversarial environment. All that is unprotected is stolen” ~ Mike Murdock: 7 Laws You Must Honor To Have Uncommon Success.

Once Singer and Rapp artist Cardi B said, “My childhood idols have become my competition”.

She was correct. Don’t ignore them. Continue to innovate by learning more about your craft.

Article Perks

Marketing Principles:

  1. Specialization: You can not become unique if you’re trying to be like everyone else in the same field. Remember, there are many actors but we like them for their individualities. Therefore, you like some actors more than others. What do you specialize in? What’s your story? Become an expert in it by reading more.

  2. Segmentation: Identify your customer, readers, or audience. Focus all your efforts on them. Focus on the people who like you and your abilities. The great thing about it, there’s only 1 you. Send out surveys and ask for feedback on the things you need to know via email, social media groups or pages, classified ads, and physical mailings…

  3. Concentration: Build your relationships with those who appreciate your work. Decide to take care of your readers with quality. The quantity will take care of itself. Do NOT concern yourself with naysayers. All will reveal in time. How would you describe your perfect customer? Use psychographics and demographics. Know your customer! Solve a problem, alleviate fears and make apparent your intention.

  4. Differentiation: How are you different? What makes you stand out? This is the key. People buy Coke because they were told it’s the real thing. Many buy Allstate insurance because they were told it will protect them from mayhem. People buy Budweiser because it’s the King of beers. (Gourmet-Connoisseurs page)

What are your unique qualities? If many have the same product, the only difference is YOU. Two people can sell the same product, but not in the same way. Thank you for your time. We like giving perks, so pay attention to that section of this document. Don’t forget to share, like, and ask friends to subscribe.

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