The pituitary gland at the base of the brain is the size of a green pea, also called the master gland sits in its little chamber under your brain known as the sella turcica. It’s a part of your endocrine system and a messenger for your body, thus controlling behavior. The study of psychology and the endocrine system is called behavioral endocrinology, which is the scientific study of the interaction between hormones and behavior. e.g. Major glands: Adrenal or pancreas, Thyroid, Pituitary, and Gonads.
Hormones regulate behaviors such as aggression, mating, and parenting of individuals. Hormones are involved in regulating all sorts of bodily functions, and they are ultimately controlled through interactions between the hypothalamus (in the central nervous system) and the pituitary gland (in the endocrine system). Imbalances in hormones are related to several disorders. e.g. obesity, gender dysphoria
Hypogonadism is a condition in which your gonads underproduce hormones. Gonads are your reproductive glands. In men, gonads are the testes. In women, they’re the ovaries. Because of hypogonadism, you can end up with lower-than-normal levels of testosterone and estrogen. Not to be confused with hypergonadism, which means increase. Either way, too little or too much will influence your mental and physical performance and character. e.g. anabolic steroids in athletes.
What is the treatment for hypogonadism? hypogonadism treated with replacement therapy will return hormone levels to normal. Hypogonadism occurs when your sex glands produce little or no sex hormones. Sex hormones help control secondary sex characteristics, such as breast development in women, testicular development in men, and behavior.
You are what you eat
There are new diseases and old diseases. In 2022, they have updated many new health discoveries. These discoveries present better outcomes for today’s patients. The Food & Drug Administration or (FDA) Since the 1950s has approved a good deal of steroid hormone drugs for beef cattle and sheep, including natural estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and their synthetic versions. These drugs increase the animals’ growth rate and the efficiency by which they convert the feed they eat into meat.
The approved drugs are synthetic versions of natural hormones, such as trenbolone acetate and zeranol. Just like the natural hormone implants, before FDA approved these drugs, FDA required information and/or toxicological testing in laboratory animals to determine safe levels in the animal products that we eat (edible tissues). FDA required that the manufacturers show the amount of hormone left in each edible tissue after treatment is below the safe level. Edible tissues mean muscle, liver, kidney, fat, skin with fat in natural proportions, whole eggs, whole milk, and honey.
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Health check
Examine your health and don’t take it for granted. During wartime, a perimeter is set around a camp. Guards are posted to maintain that perimeter to protect those inside the camp. The watchfulness of these guards will determine the effectiveness of the perimeter. Therefore, going to sleep is not an option if they want those inside the camp to have a positive quality of life or happiness. Protect your health through regular preventative care.
You should investigate every thought to see if it lines up with your entire lifestyle or core values (2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV); (Defining yourself article). What you need to understand is that with each thought, there’s life and death attached to final decisions. If life is about choices, then make certain your choices are your own and not a health issue. Leaving someone heartbroken is never good. Do you have a healthy endocrine system?
Learn more:IJIR International Journal of Impotence Research; a sexual journal of medicine publication. It covers a wide variety of subjects for your sexual health at any age, treatments, conversations, podcasts and/or sexual health dysfunctions.
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