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How To Manage Tough People

Managing yourself better.

When socializing, you will run into many individuals. They aren’t inadequate people; they are just people. Everyone has their desires and needs because it’s all about them. They aren’t wrong; they are just exercising a natural biological desire to accomplish an intended goal, intentional or not. Just because there are red flags doesn’t mean they are evil or tricky. It’s just their state of mind for the moment. Tomorrow might be different.

Behaviors that Impact Others

Imagine a hungry lion chasing a deer. It’s not a lousy or evil lion, just a hungry one. Behaviors become methodical for environmental survival in every living species, like a “defense mechanism.” Do you pretend all is well? No one has control and can be caught off guard while under stress. Your behavioral response is what matters.

How well do you perform under pressure? Just do your best, and don’t be so hard on yourself for acting in natural ways. Defense mechanisms explained by The National Library of Medicine-National Institute of Health. You can learn from observing the primitive habits of animals. You can discover behaviors, predict their diets and environments, and even understand mannerisms and forms of communication. We are not much different than them, apart from our reasoning, speech, reading, and ability to form new mental pathways to achieve goals.

“If you are willing to look at another person’s behavior toward you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a while, cease to react.”

~ Yogi Bhajan

Why you should ask more questions and read more books.

I began listening to Brian Tracy on Personal Development because I wanted answers to common questions. No one talks about these things for fear of embarrassment, ridicule, or judgment. I later discovered Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, and Neville Goddard. These individuals began with meager means or humble beginnings, as I did. If anyone had answers, surely they did.


The anxiety of these unanswered questions keeps you from achieving personal goals and having meaningful relationships. You’re shackled with personal doubts. Unanswered questions like these hold your life hostage unless you find a solution. These things keep any person poor in judgment, and finances. It’s the lack of personal development that causes your pain.

Discipline isn’t a dirty word. Stop trying to fix what’s on the outside and focus on the inside. We are all just passing through, so leave something outstanding. If you’ve enjoyed this article pass it along. Share it with a friend. Thank you.

“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”

~ William Ernest Henley, Invictus

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