7 Things Everyone Should Do Before 7 A.M.

Forged in Blood

We all desire beautiful things, but achieving them comes at a cost. The growth path involves discovery, learning, failure, and resilience. When reaching for something seemingly out of reach, demands sacrifice and more effort than we initially anticipate. Whether it’s aiming for a high-powered job, an Olympic victory, or a prestigious degree, success requires dedication, hard work, and perseverance. All goals require unwavering commitment. They won’t materialize on their own; you must be willing to pay the price.

Do you write down your goals? Putting pen to paper helps you visualize and bring clarity to your aspirations. Some people use vision boards to solidify their ambitions. By disciplining yourself and establishing a routine before 7 am, you’ve already conquered half the battle in achieving your personal development goals. It becomes ingrained in your daily life. What 7 things would you complete before 7 am that would make an impact on your life? The power of consistency is what builds character and discipline is what gets you where you need to be. Be effective! Never quit!

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7 Things Everyone Should Do Before 7 A.M:

  • Make your bed – Why is this important? Because at the end of the day, whether it’s a good day or bad, your bed looks amazing for a good night’s rest. This simple task is underestimated.
  • Exercise – Good health and happiness begins with exercise. Scientists reveal that daily exercise leads to better health and increases longevity. It’s great to have an action plan but if you do not have the vitality to pull it off dreams can die quickly. Exercise 3x a week is the desired amount because you earn what you eat. Begin small and increase over time as your body strengthens.
  • Meditation | Prayer – This task is the most important and often overlooked. Meditation and prayer develop your mind. It strengthens character, and belief, and teaches you to focus on your objective with clarity. All things are manifested mentally before you are motivated to take action. You must have a made-up mind. Continue to learn throughout the day and incorporate what you’ve learned by putting it to a practical test. Article: The Journey Begins Here.

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  • Journal daily activities – An organized person can achieve more. Prioritize activities, goals, and your day. Avoid clutter and dysfunction. Write it down and use a journal, or calendar notebook for best results. Use your cellphone or other portable device to keep handy. Leaving your journal at home will not help you remain organized throughout the day. (See below)
  • Plan your wardrobe – Knowing what to wear will help you look your best. Those first impressions will have a lasting effect and preparation keeps you looking amazing. Take pride in your appearance. Develop a style of your own but dress for the occasion. Do this the night before you go to sleep.
  • Bathe (Personal Hygiene)—Taking care of the outside is just as important as taking care of the inside (physically) and inner person (spiritually). All of these routines sustain your natural being. Whatever you do not take care of in your life will disappear, e.g., teeth, hair, body, friendships, etc. Rid your body of environmental toxins and bacteria and use scrubs to promote new cell growth.
  • BreakfastEat nutritious meals, not to feel full but to be fulfilled. Taking care of your body’s daily requirements and nutritious needs will make you less hungry. Add supplements (vitamins and minerals) to your diet to give your body the fuel it lacks or that foods fail to provide. This is why they are called supplements.

Focus on your purpose and the light at the end of the tunnel. Avoid meaningless distractions and negative thought patterns. Visualize your goals as having been achieved. Do a little bit each day until it all adds up. This is truly how things get done.

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